I am amazed. I love painting furniture. I love taking these pieces that are so neglected and rather unattractive at first glance and give them a new life. I go searching sometimes for pieces....yard sales and thrift shops. I have to admit though that some of my best pieces found me. Most of my best pieces found me.
The recently completed highchair belonged to a woman who found it on the side of the road. She saw my painted furniture and decided that after years of having it in the basement that she would have me paint it. I am not a business woman....I am an artist with a rather quirky personality. I was nervous about the business aspect of doing this job. Amazingly, I handled it fine and everything went smoothly from beginning to end.
When the chair arrived it was a mess. It was caked in years of grime. The hinges were rusty and caked with grime as well. I had no idea where to start. As a matter of fact I dreaded starting. I looked at this chair and I was overwhelmed. I forced myself to start. as simple as removing the hinges and latches. One small forced step at a time. The whole first week I hated this chair. I may have even sworn a couple times right at it out loud. It was during the second week that I started feeling the groove. The paint was going on, patterns emerging, colors exploding and like magic the nightmare chair was becoming one of my favorite pieces ever!
I delivered the chair last Friday, January 29, 2010. The owner of the chair was wonderfully pleased with my work and put the chair in her living room.
The strangest thing happened after I delivered the chair....I crashed physically and emotionally. I was exhausted for two days. I didn't realize it but for two weeks I worked so hard on the highchair and was so into it that I failed to realize that I was running on adrenalin. It was like I drained my entire being into that chair without pause. When I let go of that chair I was letting go of a piece of me. It is almost indescribable the emotions that were experienced.
Putting myself out there is still so very new. It is not just about painting on a piece but rather it is about my dissolving an itty bit of my soul into each creation that emerges.
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